What is PREDA?   Videos – Canada’s Peace Region

The Peace Region Economic Development Alliance (PREDA) is one of 9 Regional Economic Development Alliances (REDA) in the province of Alberta.

PREDA is a partnership of 27 municipalities working together to guide regional economic development of Alberta’s northwest – affectionately referred to as the Peace Region (click here for profile). Membership also includes Northern Lakes College, Northwestern Polytech, our Community Futures (Peace Country and Grande Prairie); and our Chambers of Commerce.  These regional members provide data on small businesses, entrepreneurs, and skilled trade and services needed across the region.

PREDA was incorporated as a not for profit Corporation under The Companies Act of Alberta in October 2000. (Incorporation Seal)

Our Mission is to continue to grow a vibrant economy that explores, promotes and facilitates new emerging opportunities, competitiveness and innovation.

Our Vision is one where the Peace Country has: planned and balanced growth; strong stewardship of its resources; and the ability to proactively manage economic change.

2022-2026 Board of Directors

The PREDA Board of Directors is elected from PREDA municipal membership at the Annual General Meeting.  Positions are held for four years. By-elections are held sooner if a position becomes vacant. The Board manages the annual operations, makes financial decisions, and acts as the personnel committee.

Carolyn Kolebaba – Northern Sunrise, Chair Joe Chelick – Village of Rycroft, Director
Ken Hildebrand – Town of Sexsmith , Vice Chaire Nick van Rootselaar– MD of Spirit River, Director
Brian Peterson – County of Grande Prairie, Director Deanne Wendland – Birch Hills County, Director
Robert Willing – MD of Peace, Director  Gary These – County of Northern Lights, Director

PREDA’s Virtual Office